'Morning' was painted at the beginning of the 2020 pandemic. Steve describes it as an attempt to capture the shift of seasons and a metaphorical call to accept the swirl and chaos of change, while also embracing the warmth and safety of being “home”. That sense of security of course requires hard work and companionship. We’ve therefore imbued the puzzle with traditional elements of rural farm life: tools both old and new, animals both kept and wild, various patterns of landscapes, and people in relationship with nature that makes life sing with a certain musicality of being. Take a breather, slow down and stare up into those turbulent skies. Let your mind drift and allow a little pareidolia to set in while listening to Steve’s Paint Songs album. Who knows what shapes might develop and emerge from this one particular Polaroid out of Steve’s impressive memory vault. “I believe tempo is embedded in our conscious landscape and the physical heart forever reminds us. Musicality directs holistically; it's just whether or not we are willing to listen for it and in turn utilize it to problem solve - aka: create. Essentially this is who I am.” - Steve Coffey